
Neon drive game
Neon drive game

neon drive game

The biggest complaint is that this isn’t always the case, and some of the levels have sections that just seem downright mean, like dead-ends randomly thrown into a group of blocks. Beating a level in the single-digit of tries is a miracle. Most of the time the challenge seems fair, and it’s a matter of getting your muscle memory tuned in through constant re-attempts. Ok, let’s talk about the neon splashed elephant in the room here. Making a mistake can often ruin this concentration, although on the hardest difficulty this is moot anyway since the game only gives you one life. You’ll make your moves in time with the beat, moving with the electric drum kit and riding keytar scales up and down.

neon drive game

More than just adding unnecessary noise to the fantastic music, you also run the risk of making future mistakes, since more often than not the level layout is intrinsically timed to the song. The second part is more abstract, since the best part of the game is the soundtrack and by making a mistake you ruin the song or end the level. The challenge here is two-fold: first trying to nail down the split-second timing of avoiding obstacles, making near-miss after near-miss and often times cutting it so close you’re not even totally sure how you pulled it off. Levels are downright amazing to look at during slow periods

neon drive game

In one level it’s avoiding oncoming traffic as you cruise through an unnamed city, another sees you transforming into a jet and flying through rings, while another sees you running away from a psychedelic alien ship hell bent on synthing you out of existence. These aren’t just cosmetic changes to the levels either, usually the half point of a level marks a complete change in perspective, and it’s annoyingly effective at keeping the game fresh and exciting, even if you silently wish the whole game was just the easy parts. Most of the time this means just avoiding solid blocks, but every level tends to throw you a loop around the halfway mark just to shake things up and destroy your already frayed nerves. Each machine is a portal to a musical track and you must guide your car past whatever obstacles are in your way. The setup is simple: there are seven arcade machine awaiting your attention in this futuristic world. If you think modern games are too easy, and even self-styled “hardcore” games aren’t challenging enough, then Neon Drive might just be the interactive soundtrack you’ve been looking for. That statement takes some clarification of course, but know that while Neon Drive is an amazing journey through 80’s synth rock, it’s also a test of patience that will drive you to your absolute limits. Neon Drive is probably one of the best games that you’ll ever hate.

Neon drive game